Monday, October 29, 2012

It's Fall, Charlie Brown?

(10/26-20/28) Friday started off swell. I woke up and just went shopping by myself for a little bit in the morning. It was relaxing and I enjoyed it. I picked up snacks on my way back too because I had invited some frien­­­­ds to come over and watch a movie with me later that night. When I got back to the El Oasis house the boys were grilling some meat and asked if I wanted some. Of course I did. It was really chewy though and took forever to eat because of that. Probably not worth the money we all had to pitch in, but it was ok. When lunch was over we headed to a park to practice some soccer for the retreat next weekend. We’re going to play Futbol Flamenco, which is soccer where the girls are on two legs and the boys are on one. It was a lot of fun playing with the other girls and we were out there for about three hours. I took a shower when I got back and started setting up for my movie night with my friends. They were supposed to be here at 8 but since they’re Chilean they got here at about 9. We searched Netflix to find a good movie for like an hour after that. The first movie we watched was called Mr. Brooks and the second movie was 10 Things I Hate About You. Both were pretty good, Mr. Brooks was a little graphic though. During the movies we ate cookies, chips, sour patch watermelons, other fruit candy, popcorn, and drank quite a bit of Sprite. We went to sleep shortly after the movies though because it was 3am in the morning and I just can’t stay up late anymore. I’m getting old fast. Saturday morning the girls left at about 10:30ish and we got ready to go to a birthday party. Phil’s girlfriend Eli was having a surprise birthday party hosted by her sister. It turns out though that the surprise was on us and she had us go to this beautiful tree and find the bag with our name on it. Inside was a handwritten note, cookies with our names, and candy. It was so sweet! It was really pretty too. After that we ate hamburgers which were very tasty, played games, had cake, and just hung out with each other for a few hours. It was fun but I was definitely ready for some downtime. When I got home I wrote some and had a little bit of me time. Later that night a couple of friends from back home Skyped me for like an hour which was really awesome and I enjoyed it a whole lot. I went to bed not too terribly long after that. Sunday I made myself a huge breakfast of pancakes and cheesy scrambled eggs. I spent the rest of the day watching tv, doing laundry, and took a shower. It was my last free day for a very long time so I wanted to soak it up. Katie, Brent and I at about 11 o’clock that night decided to watch It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. I ate my cheesecake pumpkin cookies, candy corn, popcorn, and chocolate pretzels. I was getting into the spirit of fall.  I miss Gerogia fall. It’s finally getting really warm here and it’s so weird because I keep thinking it should be fall. It was really fun though. Brent made us watch something really stupid after that which Katie and I did not want to watch but we did it to be supportive. After that we did Insanity and went to bed. 

soccer break
a student braided my hair

my cookie from the "surprise" birthday party

our fall movie extravaganza

1 comment:

  1. I just need you to know that we have that movie on dvd but we are not allowed to watch it ever because my mom HATES it.
