Friday, November 23, 2012


(11/19-11/22) This week was pretty eventful. Monday started off kind of slow though. I woke up and worked on some stuff and cooked which is the usual for Mondays. I made banana chocolate chip cake again because everyone loved it the first time. Small groups started after that and it went well. Donce started after that and we ate this rice casserole stuff with chicken which was really good. A student named Natty Meli gave her testimony which was really cool because she talked about her trip to Africa which was awesome. The game to decide who cleans was to make a construction out of spaghetti noodles and marshmallows and the tallest win. We did not win but we didn’t lose either which is that only thing I care about. After the game all of our supplies ended up in my hair which was pretty funny. Susana, Cynthia, and Natty thought it was hilarious so they just kept adding. When Donce was over a few students went to a restaurant to celebrate Phil’s birthday which was on the Sunday before. I stayed about an hour and then everyone was ready to go so we left. When I got home I Skyped my friend Briana for about 2 hours which was nice because I haven’t seen her in forever. It was a good day. Tuesday not too long after I woke up Clau, Eli, and I went to Bravissimo to have an Almorricas meeting. I was so happy that I got to get ice cream from there again. It was fun hanging out with all the girls. After Bravissimo we went to a park to just hang out and talk. Then Eli and I had to go find colorful paper so two students went with us. We stopped at this awesome museum and walked around a bit. Then the two students had to leave so Eli and I kept on walking. We stopped at the National Library because I had never seen it and this awesome church in Plaza de Armas. Then we found these stores with a bunch of jewelry that we looked around in for a while. We finally found paper after that. Then we had to go to a party supply store to pick something up for an event this weekend.  We got home a little late but my friend Koke was there so we played ping pong and read some of my book. After everyone left, Eli, Greg, and I made homemade French fries and they were delicious. I showered and went to bed after t hat. Wednesday was probably my favorite day. My friend Camila came over and taught me how to make empanadas. It was the best and I was so excited to learn how to make them. We ended up making three different types, pino (which is meat, onions, boiled eggs, and some other stuff that we didn’t add,) napolitana (which is ham, cheese, tomatoes, and oregano,) and a postre empanada (which had strawberries and chocolate.) It was a blast! And we made lemonade from fresh lemons which tasted awesome. We watched a movie while we ate called Made of Honor on my Netflix. After that we went through her pictures and just talked. It was awesome! That night I went to hear a student’s band play at a restaurant. He is the drummer and he sounded awesome. It was definitely fun to just relax and hear music. What a great day that was. Thursday (THANKSGIVING but not for me) was pretty cool. I got to Skype a lot of my family because everyone went to my parent’s house this year to eat. I got to see my grandma, sister, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, brother in law, grandpa, and two cousins. It was pretty awesome. When I got done Skyping all of them I started baking for a special Café a lo Gringo. I mixed the dough and while it chilled Katie and I went to a restaurant to eat. She bought me lunch and because it was Thanksgiving I ordered a turkey sandwich. When we got back we started rolling out the dough and cutting little hand turkeys. They were absolutely adorable. We put an M&M on for the eye. They came out so much better than I thought they would. I made the brownies after that. Café started and we ate the cookies and made hand turkeys and wrote what we were thankful for. We also played a quick game of hangman and Pictionary. It was fun. Tetulia started after that and we ate sloppy joes, delicious. Then the band played and Claudia gave the talk which was good. After that I played ping pong with the boys upstairs until they had to leave. Then I took a shower and went to bed. This was definitely a week to be thankful for. 

my wonderful ice cream!
me making empanadas

our feast

my friends show

my sugar cookie hand turkeys

my hand turkey

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