Thursday, December 6, 2012

Home Alone

(12/3-12/6) Let me start this post by saying this past week was heavenly. The staff went on a four day team building retreat and Katie went with her parents to Valparisso for four days so guess who got the house to herself? Yes, this girl. I loved it! Ok so back to the other things that happened this week. This week I did so many things with so many people and didn’t give myself a break. Totally worth it though. Monday when I woke up I decided it was going to be my last day of shopping so I set off on a mission. I went to the market by Santa Lucia with a list and cash. It took about 2.5-3 hours but I did it. My list wasn’t long, I just couldn’t find the right things for the people. So I looked and compared and looked some more. I got it done. After that I went home and did laundry and cleaned upstairs. I made sweet tea (because that’s my friend’s favorite drink, not mine) and ordered sushi over the phone all by myself. Success! My good friend Camila came over at about 6 and we hung out and talked for a while. After that we ate our sushi and drank our tea and watched Good Will Hunting. We wanted to watch another movie so Camila looks for movies from Thailand (this is the girl going with Globalscope to Thailand in a couple of weeks.) She found one but while we were waiting for it to load we decided to play a game. We found a Disney Trivial Pursuit game in the closet so we went with that one. Oh, by the way, Camila speaks almost perfect English. So we played and dang if she didn’t beat me. It was fun though! When it was over the movie had kind of loaded so we started watching it. To my surprise it was actually really interesting. I was so into it. When that movie was over it was about 3 am so we started getting ready for bed. Then we ended up talking for another hour, you know girls. I think I went to bed at about 4:30am. The next morning Camila had to go to class so we got up at 10:30am. I actually went back to sleep after she left. I woke up again at like 1 which was good because I was meeting a friend for lunch. Carla got here at about 1:30 and we went to J.Cruz which is a restaurant that specializes in Chorrillana. I had only been there once before but I loved it! So I took Carla and she loved it too. We wrote on the walls (which you’re allowed to do) and talked for a pretty long time. Then we goofed around taking pictures on the walk back to El Oasis. It was awesome.  When we got back we watched a movie. A little later Koke and Abraham came over to hang out. We all played ping pong together and after that we went to the supermarket to get pizza supplies. When we got back we went straight to cooking and by the time they went into the oven they looked delicious! When they were ready we went upstairs and watched White Chicks while we ate our pizza. They left after the movie which was pretty late anyhow. Wednesday when I woke up I went to meet my friend Cynthia for lunch. We had to go close to her work so we ended up eating in the food court of a mall. We both got hamburgers called the Gringa. I loved it, she didn’t…go figure. We talked for a long time. Then she gave me a present which was this awesome photo collage of us. I was so happy! She eventually had to go to work so I went home. When I got home I was determined to clean the house because I wanted to live in a clean house my last week. Half way through my cleaning rant Koke came over and then he helped me which was really nice. After we got done cleaning, we played ping pong for a couple of hours. I love ping pong and not sure if I’ve ever mentioned that. After that we decided to watch a movie called My Boss’s Daughter and eat ice cream. The movie was really stupid but the ice cream was delicious. It’s lucuma and doesn’t exist in the United States. He had to leave right after the movie so I finished up the laundry I had started a couple of days before (whoops) and went to bed. Thursday when I woke up I went to lunch with my friend Diafna. We had to go somewhere close to her school so I ended up eating in another mall food court. It was cool though. Afterwards we walked around the mall just talking. Eventually it was time for her to go to class so we left. When I got back it was already time to meet my friend Nanii for a little afternoon dessert. We went to a pastry shop pretty close by and it was delicious. We both got chocolate mousse cake. Heaven. We talked for a while and then we walked around the nearby shops. When we got back to El Oasis we talked for a while and then decided to play some Nintendo. She beat me in the battles but I creamed her in the actual races. First baby! She had to leave after that so I went with her. I decided to go to the grocery store to grab a little food since I have nothing. After I got back from the grocery store I hung out with Eli and Greg because they were back. I did a little packing test run after that and it didn’t end well. Once that was over I had to do some work for El Oasis because we have a special event on Friday that I’m not going to ruin the surprise of. So I spent the rest of my night working on that. What a great week!

Camila's beautiful face!
I love both of these things
Carla wrote our names with yellow finger nail polish

pizza pizza, mine is on the far right
Cynthia and her Gringa
mountains in the distance at sunset

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