Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Well it's two weeks and three days until I leave and I have so many emotions going through my head. Five months and ten days (or 162 days) away from everything I have ever known. When I get back my best friend will be in a different city instead of right next to me. I will have a new leadership group and new interns to be accountable to. There will be new students that I will have to learn how to love. I will have new classes with new classmates. A new roommate. And CCF might even be a different color than when I left it. That is a lot to take in and I know I shouldn't be thinking about that right now. I know that God is calling me to Chile, and that's why I am going. I love how things are right now, and I know they aren't going to be the same when I get back...but maybe different can mean better this time.

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