Monday, July 9, 2012

The Plane

So as I was sitting on the plane, staring out the window, maybe listening to some music while semi reading a book and I just so happened to look up at one of the television screens that the airplane was so gracious to provide us with. I was weird because we were almost right in between Honduras and Jamaica. For those people who don’t know, I went to both of those countries last year on a mission trip. To me, it was a really strange, like what a big coincidence. Then I got really calm and just felt this sense that God was telling me, “Hey, these countries are where I have sent you in the past, this is where you have been, this is where you’ve done great things, and this is why you’re on the plane right now.” It’s crazy, but the most calming thing ever. I kind of sat there in awe for a while until the movie We Bought a Zoo came on so I wanted got really engulfed in that because I had never seen it but always wanted to. Next thing I knew we were over the country of Ecuador. I started staring out the window again and noticed below small beams of lights from different little cities we were flying over. I then checked out the stars, stars that I’ve never seen before. Sitting on that plane I realized that my time in Chile is limited, I won’t always be able to see the stars, I won’t always be able to talk to my family or friends when I want to, I won’t get to eat the food I’m used to, but I’m here to make a difference. God has called me to make a difference so I have to make each day count and make every day memorable.

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