Friday, November 9, 2012

Pancakes and Mary

(11/5-11/8) Monday I woke up at about 1:30 in the afternoon. In my defense, that retreat wore me out, plus I did wake up at 10:30 to eat breakfast and then went back to sleep. Anyhow, not much happened on Monday. I ate and watched tv with Eli, both of us still in our pajamas. After a while the staff came over and had their meeting at like 4pm and Jorge came over so he walked with me to get lunch. I went to El Guaton, my favorite restaurant here. My friend Koke came over later and we practiced Spanish and English together and then we played ping pong for about an hour. That night instead of the usual event (Donce) we had Doncine. The staff knew after the retreat they didn’t want to have to plan and get a bunch of stuff together so a few students came over and we watched a movie called In Time. When the movie was over we got into groups of about 4 students and talked about the movie. It was pretty cool. Tuesday I went to lunch with Eli at Barcelona. I really wanted steak and fries but they were out and I was sad. After that I just hung around for a while reading and uploading pictures and stuff like that. That night I took two students out to dinner with me, Susana and Cynthia. We went to this cool restaurant called Por Amor al Arte (for the love of art). Me and Susana had gone once before and just loved it so we took Cynthia this time. It’s such a cute place, everything in it is for sale and the food is pretty good. It had so many cool art pieces I could have stayed in there all night. Wednesday was probably the most eventful day. Katie and I decided to climb San Cristobal and it was fun. A little hot but I prefer this heat to GA humidity any day. So we climbed and hung out at the top for a bit and then climbed down. On the way back to the house we stopped by a Lider to pick up a few things for dinner because we had invited a few students over for dinner that night. After Lider I spotted a student sitting on a bench waiting for the bus so we went over and talked to her until her bus came and then we made our way back to the house. I showered and hung out a little. I got a text about an hour before we were supposed to start cooking with the students we had invited that said they wouldn’t be able to come over. It was sad, but randomly there were two students here practicing for their cover band, Ruth and Pulpa who are sisters. We asked them if they would want some dinner and they said yes. So the four of us went down stairs and started cooking pancakes! It was awesome we made 6 different types of pancakes: plain, chocolate chip, banana, nutella, peanut butter, and manjar (which is kind of like caramel). They were all pretty delicious. We watched a movie while eating the pancakes called Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist which I had probably seen about 10 times but it was still fun. They helped us clean up after and then I went to sleep. Thursday was an awesome day too. I was sitting in the living room watching tv when Carla walked through the door. Carla is one of the girls we invited for pancakes but sent me that text saying she couldn’t make it. She came bearing gifts for me. She brought me lunch, KFC. It was so sweet! We ate together and watched the Princess Bride. That was the best. I had to start my chores a little after that so I cooked my brownies and printed everything for Café a lo Gringo. Then we set up for Café a lo Gringo and then, obviously, started Café a lo Gringo. This week’s theme was questions, how to form the questions, how to ask questions, and how to answer questions. My game was Bingo and it went really well. The whole Café went pretty well and after that Tertulia started. We started a new series this week about the world how it began and how it will end. So this week was on the Creation. I don’t know why, but it was very hard for me to keep my eyes open. Afterwards I went around taking pictures for a while until the ping pong table was free. When it became free I played with Koke and after three games I finally won one! It was so awesome and I was very excited. Then everyone had to leave because of the metro. I went to bed shortly after that. 

me and Mary
all the pancake mixes
pancake group
final product
me and Koke and my new shirt!
Carla and Cami playing Bingo!

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