Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Special Edition #2

Ok so in September I created a Special Edition and wrote about things I missed in the United States. The only thing I can even remember missing now is Chick-fil-A. Anyhow, that’s beside the point. I have exactly three weeks left in Chile as of today so I just want to share with you guys the things here that I’m going to miss from here the most.

The students/my friends here, they’ve completely stolen my heart and I pray I stay in contact with most of them
The ability to walk around the corner and grab lunch for $3
The freedom to climb Andes Mountains whenever I want to
The Virgin Mary on top of the hill
Food, especially anticuchos, napolitana empanadas, and my favorite restaurant El Guaton
Living in the ministry house, it’s so convenient
Spanish music, especially the worship songs
The prices of everything
The cheap fresh food market every Wednesday
The metro, even though it’s hot, sometimes smells bad, and takes all my money, it’s convenient
This ministry in general because it’s awesome
All the staff
Cooking desserts that everyone loves
The chocolate
Street vendors
Street performers
Sharing a room with Katie, although I'm more than happy to go back to having my own room
Watching the sunset over the Andes Mountains from my balcony
Having a game room

I’m sure that there are 3214397823 more things I’m going to miss about this place. I love it here. I’m sad that I only have a little time left here but I plan on making the absolute most of it. God has blessed me more than I could have even imagined. Please continue to pray for these final weeks for me. My biggest goal right now is to make sure the students know that I love them and they have changed my life. See you guys in a few weeks.

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