Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekend of Fun

(11/30-12/2) Well this past weekend was pretty dang awesome. Friday after I woke up I did a little shopping and got some really awesome deals! I couldn’t believe how excited I was, I guess I am my mother’s daughter. When I got back I went shopping with Eli for the last Almorricas. We bought stuff for brownie sundaes because that’s what Claudia wanted and I fully supported the idea. When we got back we started cooking and setting up. Then some girls came over so we talked for a while before the event actually started. Then the event started so we went upstairs and made our own sundaes and talked. Then we watched a youtube movie clip and discussed that. After that we played a game where you asked other people questions. All in all it was really fun. When Almorricas was over, Eli, Katie, and I went to meet Katie’s parents for dinner. They flew in for the week. We went to this really fancy restaurant and I let Eli order for me and she ordered Tar-Tar, raw meat. Thanks Eli. Actually it wasn’t too terribly bad. It was nice thought being able to talk her parents, they were really sweet people. Saturday I woke up early to go to this market to grab a few things. The market is like the cheapest market and I just needed three things. When I got back home I took a little nap because I was still exhausted. When I woke up it was time to meet my friend. We were supposed to meet at 2 but she was an hour late. It’s ok though. We went to Lider first to pick up some stuff to eat then took two buses and walked up a hill about a mile to this park Mahuida. We sat and ate and talked for a while. After that we went to the real destination Rodelbahn. It is basically like a little park that just happens to have a tobogganing course. Yeah I went tobogganing in Santiago, Chile. Pretty awesome! We did two runs. The first run I let Natty go first and she went slow so I had to too. The second run I went first and went fast, so fast that when I got to the end of the course I had enough time to get out of my sled and climb up a bridge to watch her finish. It was an incredible experience. After that we took a bus to Santa Lucia and checked out this art exhibit. Also in the museum was a wedding so we sat and watched the reception and ate and talked for a while. When that was over we walked to a friend’s house for a going away party for Josh. We got there at like 10:20. I stayed like two hours and then was ready to go home because I was tired. Sunday I woke up at 7:45am because El Oasis was in charge of a church service and I had to help. The first service started at 9:30 and the second started at 11:30. I handed out flyers, greeted people, set up communion, passed out communion, collected money, and told people bye. It was a lot of work but it was cool. David gave the sermon and the band played. Afterwards a student (Ruth) invited me to her house for lunch. Of course I went! I’m so glad I did because it was the best meal I’ve had. Plus I got to meet her parents so that was really cool too. We started with artichokes and then ate this wonderful meat, rice, salad, and for dessert strawberries and cream. Dang! After lunch we went to this market in a park and met her sister Pulpa and Natty Meli. They were selling some clothes so we just sat around and talked for a while just hanging out. Occasionally we would get up and go look around and I bought a couple of things. It was pretty fun though! I love just being able to spend time with people without an agenda. We finished up in the park at around 9, then everyone went home and I took a shower and went to bed. It was pretty awesome though! 


incorrect English

me and Natty


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