Friday, August 24, 2012

It's Always Winter But Never Christmas

(8/20-8/23) Monday was busy! I woke up and spent just a few minutes reading before Claudia came and asked what dessert I wanted to make for Donce. I had forgotten the list and just remembered that banana bread was an option so I picked that one. While Claudia was gone Eli, Katie, and I made lunch and hung out talking for a bit. We also helped Eli make the announcement video which was fun because I got to yell in Spanish and hit Eli with a stick, don’t worry, it wasn’t very hard. After lunch Katie went to class Claudia got back with all of the groceries. I started on the banana which took about an hour to make. Once it was in the oven I started cleaning the bathroom because that was my chore for the day. Then I got the banana bread out and cut them up and placed them on the trays for later. Then I helped Eli cook the main dish which was Pastel de Papas. Basically mashed potatoes, beef (I think), onions, eggs, and cheese. It was pretty good. Small groups started at 7 which mine was good, I still wish I could comprehend more. Donce started at 8. We ate, listened to a talk, and then passed out the desserts. After that we played which table can guess the most soundtracks. Our table didn’t win, but we didn’t lose either so I didn’t have to clean the kitchen! Woohoo! While I was in the living, I taught some students how to play Ninja! We played that for about an hour and then everyone went home. Good night. Tuesday wasn’t really eventful. I read a lot. Some people came over for lunch, Phil’s girlfriend Eli, a girl named Fernanda, Edison, then the regulars Claudia, Frizz, Phil, Eli, and me. We had lunch and then people left. I played guitar for about an hour and then finished a book called Searching for God Knows What. Later that night Brent tried to do Insanity with us, but dropped out after about 10 minutes. Poor little guy. I also had some friends Skype me which was awesome to see them! Wednesday was very cold and rainy, the high was only 45. I liked it though. I started a new book called A Room Called Remember. It is a pretty great book so far. Katie and I took Eli to lunch because her birthday is Friday and we don’t have a lot of free time. Fernanda and Amy came as well. We went to Waya’s which is this salad place. It was good. We even played the game sweet and sour out the window waving at random strangers. After that I came home and started reading the Bible in Spanish. I’m trying every way I can to learn this language. It was a pretty low key night. We did Insanity and had dinner. I read to kid in English which was funny, he asked me to. Later that night I got to Skype Aubri which was very cool. Thursday I woke and couldn’t breathe out of my nose. I guess the cold and rain finally caught up with me. I pressed on though. I went grocery shopping with Greg with took an insane amount of time to do. When we got back I had to run around for two hours getting everything ready. I had to bake brownies, finish the Café a lo Gringo things and print them, and set up for Café a lo Gringo. It was hectic but still a good day. Café went very well. They enjoyed the two activities which were Bingo and coming up with skits. After Café, Tertulia started and it was a very awesome night. The subject was love so the worship band did an acoustic set with songs about love and heart. I loved it. David gave the talk and I understood it more than I’ve understood any other talk so far so that was a win. Afterwards we just hung out and cleaned up. Fun fun fun. Also, everyone said my brownies were the best!

my friends at Donce

teaching them the game Ninja


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