Friday, August 31, 2012

Making Friends

(8/27-8/30) Monday was a good day. Other than the fact that I was super tired from the Vina del Mar trip, it was good. I talked to this girl and invited her to lunch with me so we went and got some sushi and brought it back to the house and talked for a little bit. This is the girl who is going to Thailand in December with Globalscope which I think is incredible. It was really fun. After that I had to start baking or Donce. My job on Mondays is to bake the dessert. I picked chewy chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. It took longer than I expected to make them but they were delicious. Everyone loved them! I love when people love what I cook, makes me feel good inside. I hung out with Carla and Daniela at Donce, they are two really cool students who I have grown quite attached to. We made plans to hang out in the future which I’m excited about. Carla even invited me to her house next week so she can cook me a traditional Chilean meal. I’m very very excited about that. She lives almost an hour away, but I know it’ll be worth it. Tuesday was a very relaxing day for the most part. There were student protests going on so we couldn’t really leave the house and go do stuff. Katie was out of school and we were both pretty sick so we slept until almost 12. It was crazy. I spent the day reading and writing some thoughts down in my journal. I also watched an episode or two of Criminal Minds. I received a long awaited package from my friend Aubri which was quite surprising. It had my lucky pick which I had lost in the CCF house in March or something. It also had a grow your own Spiderman washcloth in it which was hilarious. I wrote a few letters to some people back home, so they should get those in about two or three weeks. That night Katie, Phil, and I made dinner together which was chicken alfredo, my favorite! It was really great getting to spend time with Phil. Then we had our exchange student meeting and our café a lo gringo meeting. On Wednesday I got a lot of things accomplished. I read and wrote back to people and updated the café a lo gringo sheet. I got the stuff done for this café a lo gringo done as well. I had to watch a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother because the game this week is to watch an episode and answer questions. I loved it haha. Eli and I went to a little bread store and picked up some empanadas for lunch. Then we watched How I met Your Mother while we ate. She loved it too. I didn’t do a whole lot, but felt busy. I’m still getting over this cold and felt pretty crumby all day. I’m hoping it passes soon.  I did Insanity, took a shower, and went to bed. Thursday was good. I woke up and read for a while and then had lunch. After that I started making the brownies for Tertulia. Then I cleaned the kitchen because that was my chore for the day. When that was done I got stuff ready for Café a lo Gringo. After that I helped Frizz with making the banana bread, which was funny because there wasn’t a bowl big enough for the amount we needed so we kept switching bowls. After that Café a lo Gringo started and we played the name tag game, which was basically just coming up with names of famous people and sticking it on everyone’s foreheads. It lasted about an hour and was very hilarious. Then Tertulia started. Brent gave the talk and it was pretty good. I hung out with this girl named Katherine all night and she gave me her hair scrunchy. I don’t know why, but it was really sweet! Also made some plans with other students for next week which I’m very excited for. Later that night, some friends from Southern Skyped me and it was very cool being able to talk to them for a while! Good week! 

my package from Aubri

name tag game

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