Friday, September 7, 2012

Puppies and Stuff

(9/3-9/6) Monday was fun. Claudia and David got a puppy! They brought it to the house for the first time and it was so precious. It is a basset hound and has the cutest little scrunchiest face! It's a boy and his name is Chala which means flip flop, like the shoe. During the day the El Oasis staff had lunch with Katie and I. It was really great, they brought in Waya’s salads which are delicious. We sat around asking each other questions. They asked us about what we liked and didn’t like about Santiago and stuff like that and then I asked them about El Oasis and how they got involved and what it was like being students in the ministry, stuff like that. It was really fun though, they set up a big table outside and it was just a great lunch. I cooked the dessert for Donce which didn’t super turn out like I thought it would, but everyone loved it none the less. It was quite delicious, just really ugly. Donce was good, Claudia gave the talk about Proverbs 16:1 and it was pretty neat. The game to decide who had to clean was throwing peanuts at your team while they tried to catch them in their mouths. It was hilarious. We weren’t the best team but thank God we weren’t the worst either. Tuesday was probably one of my favorite days so far here. I met my friend Katy to help her with her English while she helped me with my Spanish. I met her at a metro station at 1 and we walked around to different stores for about an hour or so. After that we went to the park to sit down and just talk. I brought empanadas and she brought some drinks and then we just sat there talking for 3 hours. It was really awesome! She was so fun to be with and kept writing down everything I was saying in English, it was a really great time. We are going to meet every Tuesday to practice our language skills. I got home at about 5:15 and then a student named Susana came over because she and I were going to go to dinner. We didn’t really have a set restaurant we wanted to go to so we just walked around until we found one that we liked. The one we found was called For the Love of Art. It was a cute little restaurant/boutique and it was really precious. She got a salad and I got steak and potatoes. It also came with bread, juice, coffee, and a dessert. It was the best! I learned a lot about Susana and it was awesome! Like I said, it was one of my favorite days so far. Wednesday I woke up and then Katie and I went ot the market to get some fresh fruit and vegetables. After that we stopped by Lider, and then the post office to send some letters to the United States. When we got back, I made lunch and watched a show on Netflix while I ate. After that I hung out with Eli outside. We just sat on the street curb in the sun and talked for a little bit. When that was over I went inside and heard some people singing up stairs so I followed it. Some students were practicing a song and it was so pretty. When they were done we went back and forth doing karaoke. It was a blast! There were only three of us but it was so spontaneous and awesome. Thursday was Cafe a lo Gringo and Tertulia like always. Cafe was fun. The first game was the students had to listen to a song and fill in the blanks. The song was Call Me Maybe. It was hilarious! Everyone was singing along and it was great. The second game was the students watched an episode of How I Met Your Mother and then had to answer questions about it. They seemed to really enjoy the show which is good because that's my favorite. I made the brownies and they didn’t turn out the best because I forgot about them in the oven but people still liked them a lot. A student gave me an egg roll to eat and I can’t believe I’m saying this but that was my first egg roll ever. The dinner for the night was my favorite food in the entire world...chocolate chip pancakes!!! I was so excited! The worship was awesome and Frizz gave the talk. It was basically about good verses best. I enjoyed it a lot. I got to hang out with the students for a while after the event was over to just talk and hang out. It was a good night! 

me and Chala

Katy and Carla

my friends

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