Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sleepovers and Food

(9/14-9/16) Friday was excellent. I woke up and David and Claudia asked me to watch their dog Chala. I was super excited because he is the cutest dog in the world. While he slept Katie and I did Insanity real fast and then I showered. After that I played with the puppy and rolled in the grass with the puppy and had a photo shoot with the puppy. It was precious. When the group got back, Phil, Katie, and I worked on planning a ski trip so I hope that happens soon! Then I went to Lider to buy chicken and a bunch of junk food because I was having a sleepover with some of my Chilean friends. It was crazy how much junk food I bought. They got to the house around 8:30-9ish (Ruth, Nani, Carla and Carla’s sister) and we started cooking. I made brownies for dessert and chicken alfredo for dinner. The noodles said it should feed ten, but five of us girls cleaned it out. We made brownie sundaes for dessert. It was their FIRST brownie sundae, crazy. We had chocolate syrup, sprinkles, M&M’s, and ice cream to go on top of the brownies. It was delicious. We headed upstairs after that to watch a movie. I figured out how to hook the laptop up to the projector so we had a huge screen and a legit sound system. It took about 30 minutes to pick a movie, because we were using my Netflix. We started one for about 30 minutes and no one liked it very much so we picked a second one called Flakes with Zooey Deschanel. It was super cute. It was about 2:30 when that ended so we transformed the upstairs into sleep head quarters. We ended up going to bed around 3ish. One girl had to leave at 7 and the others at 9. Also this one girl’s mom called her every 30 minutes after 7 to make sure she was awake, crazy. They left and I went back to sleep for a few hours. When I got up, Katie and I went into town to do some shopping. We hit a few different little fierrias which are just groups of self managed stands in the same location. We ended up spending about five hours just walking around. We explored the city and a few churches. We even got to hang out by La Moneda or Chile's version of the White House. There were a ton of policemen around, probably because of the riots that have occurred in the city recently, still, it was a tad intimidating. I really enjoyed it. That night Katie and I just hung out and watched some movies at the house. We hooked it up to the projector with the surround sound. We watched August Rush and Once. We ate brownies and popcorn. That was my favorite day with Katie so far. Sunday I slept in a little because I needed some rest. When I got up, Eli and Greg were here and asked if Katie and I wanted to go to a big fonda (party) in Nunoa. There’s a lot of fondas around town because of the holiday Tuesday, which is their Independence Day. So we went and it was a blast. There was so much food! I ate meat on a stick, empanadas, and chocolate covered apples. We saw a rodeo, people dancing the Cueca on horses, some policemen putting on a trick show with their horses, and a bunch of Chileans. We walked backed home after and I did laundry and Skyped my parents. All in all it was a pretty great weekend. I’m looking forward to the week ahead. 

Carla and Ruth eating their first brownie sundae!
movie time!
La Moneda
meat on a stick at the fonda

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