Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Package, Dinner, and a Movie

Well my week started off very awesome when I got home from school Monday. A package was sitting on the coffee table in the living room and Brent exclaimed as I walked in, “You got a package.” I was excited even though I thought for sure it was my contact lenses that my grandma had sent me. When I got closer, the package seemed a little big for contacts so I examined the return address. It was from my friend Kim. Actually it was from Kim M, Briana, Aubri, Kim B, Jessi, and Mary Margaret. My friends had sent me a package of my favorite things. That includes ranch dressing, garlic salt, a package of brownie batter, bisquick batter, a Spiderman activity book (which they all colored a picture inside), notes, and some stickers. It made my day. My friends are really the best friends in the world. That was pretty much my Monday excitement. Tuesday when I got home from school, Brent asked if I wanted to go see Spiderman with him and his girlfriend. He knows that I love Spiderman and haven’t seen it yet. He told me they would go see it in English so I definitely wanted to then. An El Oasis student went too, his name is Edison. Don’t worry, the pronunciation is nothing like the guy who invented electricity. So we went and it was really good. I was happy I finally got to watch a movie I’ve been dying to see in a language that I understand. My Spanish is getting better however. I can understand a lot more than when I first got here though. Speaking it is still a challenge. I rely a lot on hand motions. Oh is also got below freezing that night, 29F to be exact. Yesterday (Wednesday) I asked a couple of Chilean students to have dinner with Katie and I a few days before and we were meeting up to do that. They took us to this salad place that was really good, especially the chicken in it. The only strange part was that the salad dressing here is mayonnaise mixed with garlic. I like mayonnaise on my chicken sandwich and you can put garlic on just about anything and I will eat it. However, the combination used as a salad dressing on a food that’s supposed to be healthy for you is just a tad fattening. The students paid for us though, which was the sweetest thing ever. So with that being said, I ate the majority of it, mayonnaise and all. We told them we would buy them Starbucks or ice cream later one…no matter how cold it is here people are still eating ice cream. That is my kind of country. After that we went to this park that from what I gathered using my Spanish skills, was a park dedicated to their Air Force. There was a huge statue of a plane too so I have to be somewhat close. It was really pretty though. There was a huge fountain with pretty colors, and it had an awesome view of Cerro San Cristobol, which is the hill the Virgin­­ Mary sits on. Today (Thursday) has been pretty uneventful. I used the stove for the first time. You have to light it with a match so it was kind of scary because I’ve never had to do that before and I didn’t want to blow the house up on my third week here. I made eggs that I bought at the market, I love the market, except when they tell me my total purchase price I have no idea what they’re saying to me. Tonight I’m going to help Katie study and watch some Criminal Minds on Netflix because it works here and there’s not much to do right now. They told me I should enjoy the peace and quiet because it won’t last forever. Terrifying, right? 

this was my package from my friends

this is how I dress when I go outside, it helps slightly

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