Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Week

Sorry not much has happened here for me to post every day this week, but I will do a recap. Tuesday I went to school, came home, and watched tv in Spanish with a few Chileans…that was my entire day. Wednesday I went to school and then helped Eli clean out our refrigerator, which was really disgusting so I’m glad we did it. We ended up cleaning the whole kitchen which I was fine with because I hate dirty kitchens. That night we went to the movie theater because it’s cheap to see movies on Wednesdays. We saw Brave (Valiente) in Spanish so I have no idea what they were saying, the cartoons were cute though. Thursday was pretty cool, I had to clean and organize the El Oasis library which they named Starbooks. It was a lot of work but I found some books I can’t wait to read. Eli had some of her friends come over and made them dinner so we got to hang out with them and got free dinner which was awesome. Eli actually made two batches so we’ve been eating off of it ever since. It was some pasta and ham and cheese thing, it is delicious. Katie doesn’t eat meat so she picks out all the ham and gives it to me, which I am ok with. Friday we had another movie night at El Oasis which was really fun, there were a lot more kids this time. We watched 127 hours, well I went downstairs when the blood started coming out, I can’t handle that. After the movie, some of the girls wanted to go out dancing. So we went to a dance club but one of the girls couldn’t get in because she didn’t have her license so we had to leave. Which I was completely ok with, that’s not really my scene. We went back to the El Oasis house and we had our own dance party which was a lot of fun. I taught the girls how to do the Wobble which was very entertaining. They do it so much better than I do because I can’t move my hips like that. We ended up staying up until 4am, I was exhausted. It was really great though. Saturday, I took a day trip with Kari who is an exchange teacher from Minnesota and Liz and we went to Pomaire. It’s Kari’s last week in Chile so she wanted to go on one more little excursion. Pomaire is a little town known for their traditional ceramics. We took a bus about an hour out of Santiago. On the way there, the bus dropped us off in this random location so we had to walk like a mile until we actually got into the town. There were so many cute little shops with cute little things for sale. I bought a few things for people, but I didn’t go crazy. It was so fun though. We stayed there for about three hours because the last bus going back to Santiago was at 17:15 (5:15) and we didn’t want to miss it. Before we left though we ate at this little restaurant and I got a pastel de choclo which is a traditional Chilean dish. I probably won’t be ordering it again, but I wanted to try it. It was a casserole with a puree of sweet corn on top that made a crust, then a chicken leg still on the bone, with weird meat stuff, olives, onions, and eggs. It was pretty disgusting. The chicken was good though so I picked that out. After that we hopped on the bus and went back into the city. As soon as I got home, Katie told me about Seth’s going away party at his apartment. Seth is the exchange student at El Oasis from last semester. He spent a few weeks traveling and is leaving today. So we walked to his apartment and hung out with him and a few Chileans. It was fun, we left around midnight though because we were both exhausted. Now for today (Sunday), I went to an English speaking church with Kari. It was a super traditional Protestant church. Everyone was nice, but I like my contemporary style better. It was fun though. I’m currently sitting in the living room, one of my Chilean friends is about to come over and hang out. I’m probably going to read a little too. I’m completely exhausted though so I’m not really doing much today. I really like it here. 


pastel de choclo

it was cute

sunset over the mountains

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