Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Next Couple of Days

Day Three- Today I woke up and Phi land I walked to a language school to see if I could take a language class for a few weeks. I got to sit in on the class for an hour to see if I liked it, which I did. There are only three other people in the class, two Koreans (Kim, they follow me everywhere haha) and a pretty intimidating Russian guy. So after an hour Phil came back and I had to fill out an application and everything but it wasn’t really hard. After that Phil showed me this little pastry shop and I got some breakfast which was delicious and very cheap. I found out how to tell if the water is carbonated or not before you buy it. After that Phil and I met up with some Chileans and we went to the World Press Photo exhibit at the Telefónica Building (which is a building in Santiago that is shaped like a cell phone.) After that we went to a little corner store and bought lunch for like $1.20 or 600 pesos. 500 Chilean pesos equals about $1 US. I love how cheap everything is here. After that we went back to the house and waited for Katie to get out of her language class to eat lunch. I got to hang out with my other roommate Eli who is the El Oasis intern. I love her, she is the best. We are teaching each other the other language. Katie got back and we ate lunch. After lunch we had another exchange student meeting for about an hour and a half and talked about John 14 and about what to do while Phil is gone. Phil is going to the United States for a couple of weeks for Frizz’s (Chilean El Oasis staff member) wedding and to visit family for a little bit before the semester starts, which will be August 6th. After the meeting Phil took me to the Chilean Walmart, it’s a Walmart, I bought Great Value stuff, and it was weird. Also they don’t refrigerate milk, strange. I got my own set of keys to the house and I got a cell phone, which weighs about an ounce and is the most basic little phone ever. When I got back to the El Oasis house Eli, Katie and I made some banana bread, cute roommate bonding time. Still haven’t got my room set up, but I’m hoping it will be at some point this week. 

this is where I'm taking my language

my classroom for the next four weeks, 70 hours

Day Four- I walked to class this morning by myself, it’s about a 25-30 minute walk, and it’s really beautiful. There’s a subway I could take but it costs money every day so I will only take it when it rains. Class was pretty good though, it’s from 9-12:30 every day for four weeks so hopefully I will be semi conversational in Spanish after that. I had to stay after class till 2 o’clock today because I missed Monday’s class, but the lady was nice so it wasn’t that bad. After class I had to meet Katie because we are helping out at a church’s VBS thing till four in the afternoon. We got really really really lost though and probably walked over two miles. We eventually found it after four different search parties went out looking for us. We got to see a lot of the city though and I still can’t take my eyes off of the mountains that are always in the background. There was only 20 minutes left of VBS when we got there so we didn’t really do much, we met a lot of Chileans though. After that, Eli took me and Katie to the Walmart (Lider) again because Katie and Eli didn’t go yesterday with Phil and I. It was still just as weird. I bought bread for about a quarter though so that was pretty cool. We decided to take a Taxi home because it was only about $2 a piece for us to ride and it was a lot faster than the bus. I made a sandwich for dinner and started my homework for my language class. I kind of started missing some people back home, but I have to remember that I’m here with a purpose and my time is fleeting. God is good, I will be ok.

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