Monday, September 3, 2012

It's September!

(8/31-9/2) I enjoyed Friday a great deal. We had Almorrica which is a girl’s lunch thing with students, but I went about an hour and a half early to meet with this girl named Daniela for a while. I t was really fun, we walked around all of these little shops for a while and I would have bought stuff if I remembered my book bag. It got pretty warm so Daniela bought us both ice cream, it was very sweet of her. It was strange ice cream though, more like a sherbet because it was really light and it was apple flavored. We went inside the mall after that and it was the biggest mall I have ever been in, seriously, it was huge. We walked around for about an hour just talking and goofing around. It got close to 2:30 so we headed towards the metro station to meet with everyone. There were only two students at Almorrica this week, but I’m still glad I went. It was only Claudia, Eli, and I. Oh and there was a chicken. Like three tables away from us these people had a pet chicken and it was awesome. Then Claudia, Eli, and I headed back to the house. I did Pilates with a bunch of gringas which I wasn’t too happy about. I would rather hang out with Chileans but it’s whatever, gringas showed up. After that we went to a restaurant for a student’s birthday party. Believe it or not, there were two birthday parties at the restaurant with the same name and same amount of people in the party. It wouldn’t have been that bad but we were the first to show up so we had no idea what was going on. Once people got there it was really fun. I got to hang out with Chileans and eat which are my favorite things to do here. We stayed a few hours and were ready to go home. Once we left the restaurant David flagged us down and told us the alarm at our house went off so he was driving over there. We got in the car and got to the house to figure out the alarm went off because Katie and I didn’t shut the windows up stairs. In my defense, I hadn’t been up stairs all day and had no idea they were open. That was enough excitement for one day. I would like to call Saturday Blake Day. I focused on myself all day. Katie went with some friends somewhere and I stayed home and enjoyed my peace and quiet for a day. It was fantastic. A few people dropped by during the day but it was all good. I was so relaxed and everything. I even made chicken alfredo by myself for the first time being here. I made one of the pastas my mom sent me. I watched Criminal Minds all day and showered and did laundry. It was a great day. Sunday was interesting. The time changed, which I was unaware of until I got a call at what I presumed was 8:30, which it was apparently 9:30 to make sure I was going to church. I was going to church with Phil and his girlfriend Eli. Phil told me to take one of three bus numbers and he would meet me there. I got ready and went to the bus station and got on one of the buses he told me. Well turns out, he was wrong and I didn’t end up in the right place so I had to take another bus. It was chaotic, but we were only 15 minutes late. The church was pretty cool though, the music was a tad bit cheesy. After the church service, Eli’s youth group thing did a fundraiser selling empanadas so I stayed for that and bought one. I met a few pretty cool Chileans that go to Eli’s church so I will probably start going there. They actually meet on Sunday nights though which is still pretty cool and I could sleep in. I waited 30 minutes for a bus to get home which was crazy. I eventually got home around 3:15ish. I played guitar and relaxed for a bit. Katie and I finally made it to recovery week in Insanity so we’re almost half way there. After that I watched a little tv and went to bed a little early.

my delicious pasta!

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