Monday, September 10, 2012

Two Months Down

(9/7-9/9) On Friday we had Almorricas which is the girls lunch. We traveled really far to have lunch with this one student named Fernanda. Her university was really awesome though. It was small and focused on technology and cooking. She is going to be a chef so she took us on a tour of her part of the school. It was cool watching people my age make these amazing looking dishes. Before we had lunch, some of ran over to this little empanada store to grab lunch. I think that’s the best empanada I’ve had here. It had tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, ham, and oregano. It was great. We came home and got ready for the movie night Katie and I decided we wanted to have at the El Oasis house. Katie and Phil went shopping for snacks and I stayed behind and cleaned and got the upstairs ready. After that a student (Koke) asked me for help with his English homework so we worked on that for about an hour. Then it was time to start the movie. I went around asking people to vote on which movie out of a list of movies we had they wanted to watch. Batman the Dark Knight won so we watched that. I set out my Sour Watermelons for the students and they loved them! They ate about two bags worth, but I loved sharing the candy with them. The students had to leave as soon as the movie was over because the metro closes at 11:30. One girl had to spend the night because she lives far away. I stayed up and watched another movie with her which happened to be Batman Begins. It ended at like 3:00 and I was exhausted so I had to go to bed. I slept in Saturday until about 12:30. I was so tired and just exhausted. After I woke up I went to the grocery store and to the market. I don’t know what was going on but the prices at the market were so much more expensive than they had been. I wasn’t able to buy a whole lot but I bought what I needed until Wednesday. Katie and I did Insanity when I got back and then I showered. Some students came over to hang out which was cool. We ate lunch together and then they watched a movie while I read and spent some time alone with God. I even got to listen to a Life Spring podcast which was awesome! It was a pretty low key day but I enjoyed it. Sunday I woke up and walked about a mile and a half to a church. Some students go there and thought it would be cool to hang out with them in a church setting. The church sang some of my favorite songs in Spanish which was really awesome to hear. I’m getting better at singing in Spanish. After church, I decided to walk to the big Lider because it’s pretty close to the church. It was pretty much like going to Walmart on a Sunday, not doing that again. I got a few things and then went across the street to Burger King because I was so hungry. They spelled my name ‘Dake’. I don’t understand. After that I walked back home. We had two Insanity videos to do on Sunday so when I got back we knocked out one of them. Then I read, played guitar, and watched some Criminal Minds. It was a pretty awesome day until the second Insanity video. That was killer. I can’t believe I’ve been here for two months now. It’s so crazy how fast time is moving. Less than 100 days left, I can’t believe it. 

movie night!

Eli, me, and Susana

finally got to use some Ranch

Burger King fail

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