Saturday, September 8, 2012

Special Edition

Before I left, one of my friends who did Globalscope in the past showed me a list she had made of things she missed back in the United States. She said after she wrote them down she didn’t think of them again. She told me it might be good to make a list too at some point just to write it all down. I took her advice and these are the things that I truly miss. I’ve been here for two months now without these things so I know I can survive. I just wanted to write them down, so here they are.

Things I Miss
Parker’s drinks
My own room
My bed
My pillow
Normal outlets
My laundry detergent
Beef Jerky
Dairy Queen
Hot fudge
Grocery stores
A full shower
Intramural sports
Indoor heating/air conditioning
Being able to talk to someone when I want to

 I do miss all of these things, but being here is worth it.  

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