Monday, September 24, 2012

One More Week of September

(9/21-9/23) Friday was really special. During the day a group of students and staff and I went to a little boys orphanage to hang out with them for a while. We flew kites, played soccer, played basketball, ate lunch, played baseball, and just hung out with them all day. It was fun and the kids there were really cute. They were constantly hugging us and just so thankful for everything. I loved it a whole lot. Really precious and I hope we go back soon. Whe I got back to the house I had a package waiting for me from my friends Kelly! It was so precious, I love getting mail here, it's like mini Christmases. Later that night we went dancing with some students around Santiago. It was super fun and we danced for like four hours straight. One of the songs that came on was Cotton Eye Joe, it was hysterical. Katie and I were the only ones who knew what that song was so we were the only ones in the entire place dancing. It was really fun getting to hang out with the students in their environment. It was an all around great day. Saturday I woke up and Katie and I had a list of places we needed to go to like the post office, Lider, and the fruit and vegetable market. A student left her bike her a few days ago so I borrowed it to make the journey. I thought it was going to be really quick but it ended up taking about 2 hours. We were completely out of food though because we didn’t plan on everything being closed during the holiday week. We were desperate, but we stocked up pretty good. Luckily the bike I borrowed had a basket so we got to carry a lot more food. When we got back I made and literally watched tv the rest of the day. Some students came over for a bit and I hung out with them. At around midnight, we all decided we were hungry, so I stopped watching Criminal Minds and we made vegetarian fajitas. They were actually pretty good too. We went to bed shortly after that. Sunday was a pretty neat day, besides the fact that it’s my laundry day and I hate doing laundry. I decided to make some biscuits for breakfast for my friends but the oven wouldn’t turn on. So Camila who had spent the night had a great idea of boiling water and then placing the dough in a colander above the water. And it worked, they were really good, just a little small. Katie made eggs to accompany the biscuits and breakfast was really cute. We had two Insanity videos that we had to knock out which kicked my butt. That night we had Iglesia El Oasis which was basically just a church service in the El Oasis house for the students. Not a whole lot of people showed up, but it was very awesome none the less. After that the students just hung out at the house for a little bit talking. It was a really fun night.

my package from Kelly!

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