Monday, October 15, 2012


(10/12-10/14) This weekend was pretty awesome. El Oasis took the students camping! This was my first time actually hardcore camping with no bathroom or other luxurious amenities. It was fun though. During the day Friday not much happened except for packing and getting stuff ready. We got to this mountain at about 6:00pm Friday night and started the short but very painful hike up. The hike was only about 20 minutes but it was straight up and hurt a whole lot. When we finally got to the campground we had to start setting up camp really fast because the sun was starting to go down. It was beautiful though. You could see snowcapped mountains all around you. Then when the sun went down the stars were amazingly beautiful and breath-taking, such a clear sky.  We started cooking hotdogs over the open fire and waited for the group that had to come a little later to get there. Once they arrived, the guys and girls split up into their own campfires to have a discussion. It was pretty awesome because we played a game at the beginning where you had to talk about someone else in the circle and out of nowhere this girl I haven’t gotten the chance to talk to very much (Natty Meli) picked me to talk about. I was floored and so incredibly thankful, made me pretty dang happy. Once that was over we played a few games like capture the flag and sardines. Those were a little confusing with so many people but fun none the less. After the games we got to make s’mores which of course I loved! And we had to teach some of the Chileans how to make them, it was cute though. Some guy started playing the guitar so we all started singing. I stayed up until about 3am but then I decided it was time to lie down. The girl Natty Meli was also in my tent so I probably stayed up another hour talking to her about random stuff. After a while this other girl needed a place to sleep too so I had to move over and was basically sleeping on top of everyone’s stuff. It was super uncomfortable and I didn’t sleep very much at all, plus it was freezing. It was ok though. When I woke up I went to the campfire and warmed myself up for a little while. After that David was going to set up the rock climbing stuff so I went with him and some other people. It was another 20 minute straight up hike that knocked the breath out of me. Once we got to the top though I started feeling really sick. I hadn’t felt very good Friday night but it was bearable. Saturday I thought I was dying,, I realized that me rock-climbing in that condition would be  very dangerous so I went back to camp a little sad. Once I got there it was just Frizz (El Oasis staff member, actually the head minister) and this other student who didn’t want to rock-climb. And after about 20 minutes it was just Frizz and I. It was really awesome though because I got to talk to Frizz for 2 hours straight and I really enjoyed it. I had never gotten to talk to him like that before. I feel like we learned a lot about each other and it was nice. I’m kind of glad I didn’t go rock-climbing.  Once people got back we started packing up and getting ready to leave. The climb down still sucked because it really hurts your knees. Once we got down we packed up the van and headed to El Oasis. When we got to El Oasis we put our stuff down and then Katie and I went to Hyper Lider to get a few things for a surprise we’re doing for the staff on Monday. Once we got back I showered and we watched the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I like that movie but I was so tired it was hard for me to stay awake. I went to bed after that at about 12:00am and woke up Sunday at 12:22pm. My body was exhausted and still a little sick. It felt great though! I didn’t do a whole lot on Sunday because I needed a day for just me. Katie went somewhere and I was thanking God for my alone time. I got to Skype my aunt and uncle who were at my mom's house for a little while which was pretty awesome. I did a lot of laundry because I wasn’t able to do any last weekend and watched Criminal Minds. For lunch I went to El Guaton and got take out. They have these huge sandwiches which this awesome meat on it and I just love them. I got back to the house and ate and resumed laundry and Criminal Minds. That was pretty much my day. Good weekend. 
me and Eli goofing off

me at the camp fire

the camp fire

everyone singing at the camp fire

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