Monday, October 1, 2012


(9/28-9/30) Yes I spelled that right, here it is GOL! The a makes a different sound so it’s not needed. Anyhow, the word GOL describes my Friday quite nicely. I woke up, read some, and then the girl’s in El Oasis had Almorrica. Basically just a girls lunch. We had hamburgers and it was delicious. There weren’t a whole lot of people, but it was fun none the less. After that, the girls in El Oasis went and played futbol (soccer) in the park. We started off with some drills because some of the gringas here had never played soccer before. Frizz came along to help with that which was nice. After about an hour of drills and stretching and all of that we got to play an actual game. It was so incredibly fun. I scored two gols, except they didn’t count one of them because the other team wasn’t ready…really? It’s ok though, it was all in good fun. We played until the score was even, so basically we played until the other team caught up with us. I loved it. After that one of the students (Carla) came back to the house to change her clothes. She came to tell Katie and I that she was leaving when I asked her if she wanted to stay for dinner. I was planning on ordering a pizza from my favorite pizza place (Don’s Pizza) and asked her if she would like to share it with me. She told me she didn’t have any money, but I told her that I never asked her for money and I was going to order the pizza with or without her. I made her call and order it though. Spanish is complicated on the phone. So she stayed and we talked for a good 30 minutes while waiting for the pizza. When it got here we decided to watch a movie and on a whim I said Shrek and everyone was ok with my decision. It was a lot funnier that I remembered it being. After that she really had to go because the metro was about to close but she asked to borrow a jacket so I took my sweater off and gave it to her. She is a really great person and I’ve loved getting to know her. Saturday and Sunday were much the same. It was very rainy and cold and dreary so I didn’t do much. I stayed inside except for on Sunday I went grocery shopping. I was feeling pretty sick because the weather is dramatically changing everyday trying to grasp the concept of spring. It’s been cold though, I think I should enjoy it while it last. I love the cold anyhow. I watched a lot of Netflix and read a lot of the Hungering Dark and a lot of the Bible which was good for me. We started our last week of Insanity which is crazy because it seemed to go by so fast. I did laundry Sunday too which wasn’t too bad, I didn’t have that many dirty clothes because I rocked sweatpants a whole lot last week. And that was my weekend.

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