Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chocolate Cake and Earthquakes

(10/8-10/11) Monday morning we flew back to Santiago from San Pedro. The flight was beautiful and there was hardly anyone on the plane. When we landed, there was a little confusion about how to get home, but we figure it out and took a bus to the metro station and then we were home. People volunteered to do our chores for us so it was pretty relaxing when we got back. I hung out with two students and played guitar with them for a while. Then small groups started, but I was pretty out of it because I was so tired. Donce happened after that and again, I was pretty out of it so I don’t really remember it very well. The dinner was this cheesy rice stuff and Brent spoke and that’s all I got. The game was pretty cool though, they shouted out a letter and you had to come up with different words for the letter, kind of like Scattegories but in Spanish. I couldn’t really help them but we ended up winning so that was awesome. So now I’ve won two weeks in a row, how exciting! Some students stayed pretty late watching Jurassic Park on TV so we ended up working out at like 1am and going to bed pretty late. Tuesday was very calm. I woke up a little later and when I woke up a package arrived here from my family. I was so excited and the package was very surprising. A lot of candy, toothbrush holder, shoes, spiderman, foot scrub, pens, socks, and a cute card from my parents. That started off the day very lovely. After that I went to lunch with Eli and one of her friends from school. We got a pizza which was strange because it had BBQ sauce, but it was good. They talked for like an hour and I caught bits and pieces here and there. We walked home and her friend came too, we stopped at the Santa Lucia market to look around for a while. When we got back we had our Café a lo Gringo meeting which went pretty well. Sometimes it’s really hard to come up with different ideas for games. After that some students came over and made some icecream and talked with each other for a while. We had our exchange student meeting after that and Phil was so nice and bought us little personal pizzas. They were so good too! The meeting was great and we had fun. Katie and I did our last day on Insanity after that. I am so incredibly proud of myself for sticking to it every day, even though some days I had no desire to do it at all. We did it. I showered after that and Skyped my family and then went to bed pretty early. Wednesday when we woke up, Katie and I went to a little bakery and bought ourselves some chocolate cake to celebrate finishing Insanity and it was delicious. We did our usual Wednesday round after that hitting the post office, the grocery store, and then the fresh market. After that we made lunch and hung out for a little bit. I took a nap because I was still exhausted and had a headache. When I woke up I played guitar, read a lot, and watched a couple episodes of Criminal Minds. I stayed up a little late talking to a friend back home which was nice. All in all it was a pretty relaxing day. Thursday was an interesting one. I woke up, ate breakfast, went to staff meeting, and got all of my Café a lo Gringo stuff taken care of like normal. I then ate lunch and started reading when it happened. An earthquake came out of nowhere. At first I thought it was someone upstairs being obnoxious but then it kept going. It was my first earthquake. It didn’t do any damage that I’m aware of, and I was probably more excited than I should have been, but it was just a really cool experience. It registered as a 5.7 but apparently later downgraded to a 5.5. Anyhow it was fun. Later I cleaned the kitchen and made the brownies. Café a lo Gringo started not too long after that. It was interesting and the games might have been a little complicated for them. They seemed to like them, they just didn’t understand. We tried. Tertulia started after that and Sloppy Joes were the dinner, yum! The music was awesome and David’s talk was good too. The student’s left pretty quickly after and Katie and I turned the TV on and found Shawshank Redemption playing. I got to Skype my little cousins Grey and Eden who were visiting my mom, they were so cute. It was a good week. 

winning girls
package from my mom
last day of Insanity
chocolate cake reward

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