Friday, October 19, 2012

Cooking for the Masses

(10/15-10/18) Monday I woke up and immediately started cooking. I decided a few weeks ago that I was going to cook the staff lunch to show my appreciation to them. I cooked homemade French fries, cheesy cheddar garlic biscuits, hamburgers, and brownies. It took three hours to make all of that, but they seemed to really appreciate it which was awesome. They kept thanking me all day. After that I took a quick nap on the couch and then woke up to cook the dessert for Donce. They were supposed to be cookies, but something went wrong and I blame the recipe. Anyhow they pretty much stayed in a liquid state and wouldn’t bake all the way through. I talked to Claudia about it and she came up with the genius plan of getting ice cream and letting the chocolate mess be the topping. It was perfect. David cooked the dinner which was this chicken cheesy rice stuff that was fairly delicious. During the talk I was scooping ice cream so I have no idea what it was about. After dessert, I got my prize for winning the game from last week along with the rest of my team. After that we played this week’s game which was really hard. You had to blow darts in a cup across the table. Our team only got two, but thankfully one team didn’t get any so we didn’t lose. Yay! I took a shower and went to bed shortly after Donce was over. Not a whole lot happened on Tuesday. I woke up and went to the post office to mail a few letters. I grabbed lunch and then went to a Bible study with Frizz and two other students. I understood stood and then I had to read some which was hard but I did it. They corrected me a lot but it was good. After that some girls came over because we are doing a little choreographed danced for Open Mic this Friday and we needed to practice. That took well over two hours but it was fun. When that was over we did our Exchange Student Meeting and our Café a lo Gringo Meeting. Both were good. Katie and I made pancakes for dinner. Katie used vegetable oil instead of butter so it tasted really weird. It was good though. There was a big soccer game on so we watched it with all the guys. Chile lost to Argentina but it was a good game. I went to bed not too long after that. Wednesday Katie and I went to the market and on the way we found this little chocolate store we’ve never noticed before. We went in and I bought a little bag of chocolates which I later shared with everyone in the house. The market wasn’t very crowded which was good and makes shopping a lot easier. When we got back I started reading Blue Like Jazz and that’s what I spent about 5 hours of my day doing and I finished the book. I just wanted to read. There wasn’t a lot going on in the house so it was better than wasting time on the internet. The night was pretty dull and Eli, Katie, and I all sat on our computers with our headphones in working on various tasks. I took a shower and went to bed early although I didn’t sleep very well. Thursday I woke up and went to staff meeting like usual. I didn’t do whole lot during the day. I ate, read, wrote, watched Netflix, and got ready for Café a lo Gringo. I also practiced a song because they asked me to do the cover band that night. Café started around 6 and it was really fun. The first game was a spelling bee and some of the students were really good and some were not so good but it was a learning experience. The second game was charades and it was pretty funny. They had to act out daily tasks like brushing teeth, riding a bike, shopping, etc. Tertulia started after that and we ate pizza for dinner which was really good. I did the cover song by the Weepies called World Spins Madly On and I’m not sure how it went because I couldn’t hear myself. Everyone seemed to like it though. After that the band played which I always love and Brent gave the talk. It was the part about forgiveness in the whole Our Father who art in heaven prayer. What was really awesome was that Kamilio (the student who recently got in a bar fight and got his throat cut) got up and talked about why forgiveness was so hard for him. The students left pretty soon after Tertulia was over and not much else happened that night. 

the lunch I prepared everyone

the cookies I tried to make
me singing at Tertulia

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